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The Second President Ball-Moonlit
время публикации:2017-06-19     ?количество чтения?:     шрифт?:【большой? ?средний? маленький?

(The video and photos in this article, except for the models, were taken from the first "President Ball-Moonlit HuaTian" Scene.)

The first President Ball-Moonlit has been held at century Hua Tian Hotel In June 17, 2017. The second President Ball-Moonlit will be held at the same place in August 26, 2017. And you can prepare tuxedo or evening dresses.

The tuxedo should not appear in the gymnasium, and the dancing art should not belong to the downtown square,Ballroom dance originated from western aristocratic culture. For many years it has become a symbol of high class social network.
In order to provide you a wonderful experience of ballroom dance, we will hold our President Ball - Moonlit HuaTian at Century Huatian Hotel in Beijing. We promise you will enjoy it.

Time: August 26,2017(Saturday)6:00-10:30 PM.

Address: No. 11 century Hua Tian Hotel Hunan Hall on Landianchang Road West Fourth Ring Road in Haidian District

Process:Dinner Party And Performance(6:00-8:00 Pm)Dancing Party(8:00-10:00 PM)

Sponsor:Beijing Doctor Modern Team

Organizer:The Alumni Dance Association Of China University Of Political Society And Law

Dinner Party:Western Food Buffet(menus are on the accessory)

Band:Orchestra of the eastern Symphony Orchestra(10 to 15 players)

Dance:Regarding national standard modern dance and regulated social dance music as priority.

Floor:Professional floor for ballroom dancing competition

Requirements of participating in activities : (it's very important,please read the link of the relevant website carefully)

Male:Wear a tuxedo or formal dress and tiea bow tie

Female:Evening dress (don't mop the flooror you can't dance)

Detailed reference:

Etiquette for man at a ball:http://m.newsmth.net/article/Dance/133479

Etiquette for ladies:http://m.newsmth.net/article/Dance/133731

Sport shoes, jeans, casual wear, T-shirts and other irrelevant are refused entry

Entrance fee and Registration way



Registration way:



In addition:Century Hua Tian Hotel offers privilege for participants on that day .Common room concessions, including breakfast 498 (original price 880, member price 708), deluxe rooms with breakfast 598(original price 980, member price 808).Checking out can be delayed to 14:00 on August 27.One limited room for one person,Our rooms are limited, please book early.

We have professional and systematic traning classes on dancing skil

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